Summit Speakers & Panelists Line-up

Join the Soulful Entrepreneur Summit on February 27 - 29, 2024

We have curated an amazing line up of contributors who are so stoked to share their wisdom, stories and tools. ​

You will leave the summit with new strategies, tools, tips and connections to elevate to a higher level of success replacing hustle with more ease & flow!

This virtual summit is going to consist of daily expert panel discussions, interactive learning sessions, live coaching, networking, and more.

Hear Marilyn's Experience As An Attendee

“You're embodying what you're teaching as we go through this summit. It's just a beautiful reflection of who you are and how you do business...I've been through a lot of trainings and a lot of this one, it was easy for me to show up. It's not always easy. I was "I get to do this today." I didn't ever feel like that. I was excited to be here.” — Marilyn Moody

Meet Your Hosts

Alison Proffit

Proffit Coach

Session Title: Details coming soon...

Session Description: Details coming soon...

Bio: Cool bio on the home page 😊

Travis Hlavka

Human Upgrade Project

Session Title: Details coming soon...

Session Description: Details coming soon...

Bio: Cool bio on the home page 😊

Meet Your Speakers

Speakers listed in alphabetical order by last name

Jessi Burg

Outgrow Your Garage

Session Title: Soulful Summit to Soulful Life: Planning for the Future

Session Description: Do you ever leave business events feeling inspired and ready to act, but those new plans and ideas fail to materialize? Despite the plans, brilliant ideas, and new connections, it is easy to get wrapped up catching up on the emails you missed and the other day-to-days tasks of running a business that were not tended to during the time you were pouring into your professional development. Not this time!

This will be a work session specifically devoted to creating a post-summit action plan.

Bio: Jessi started her journey as an entrepreneur after experiencing toxic work environments. She thought there had to be a better way to value employees, pay them a living wage, and still be able to work outside. Her first company, a landscaping business, taught her that being a business owner amplified her voice and allowed her to advocate for the trades, as well as seasonal and gig economy workers. Now onto her second company, Outgrow Your Garage, she is building that advocacy work and teaching other trades, services and mobile companies how to grow sustainably and equitably. As a values-driven business owner, Jessi believes in breaking down class barriers and proving that small businesses can be profitable while creating robust communities and better job opportunities.

Acey Holmes


Session Title: The Power of Flow: Cultivating Peak Performance and Experience with Play

Session Description: Flow is a state of heightened focus, engagement, and absorption in which individuals experience a sense of effortless action, timelessness, and complete involvement in the task at hand. In this session, you will gain an understanding of the nature of flow and the factors that contribute to its occurrence, individuals and teams can learn to harness its power to achieve their goals.

Bio: Speaker Acey Holmes delivers highly engaging talks translating the dense concepts behind the neuroscience of play and flow into entertaining, relatable content. Blending her background in education and speech therapy with cutting-edge research, Acey's playful presentations focus on sparking joy, creativity, connection, and innovation for audiences. Through impactful stories and actionable takeaways, audiences walk away understanding why play matters for personal and professional success along with simple tools to incorporate more playfulness, produtivity, and positive wellbeing into their everyday lives.

Jamie Madsen

Wealthy Creator

Session Title: Surrendered Success

Session Description: Explore the essence of surrender as a gateway to genuine success, where passion meets purpose and strategy harmonizes with soulful entrepreneurship. In this session, Jamie gets vulnerable & shares the transformative journey she took to unravel the narrative of limiting beliefs & outdated strategies in both her personal life & business. During this talk, we’ll explore the profound power of letting go of the relationships, mindsets, or business strategies that are not serving your path to soulful success.

Bio: Jamie Madsen is a leading expert in content creation & offer development for coaches, creatives and entrepreneurs. Her foundational work lies in purpose driven creation, and aligning with your vision as your higher-self.

Elizabeth Mahoney

Complete Professional Development

Session Title: Leverage Your Strengths and Release Your Weaknesses

Session Description: Did you ever wish you felt confident about building your business leveraging who you already are, and not trying to become someone you are not? This session will explore the power of leveraging your unique talents and strengths in all areas of your business and life. You will learn more about the CliftonStrengths model and how to set Strengths-based goals that will make it easier to achieve soulful success!

Bio: If it's not fun it's not worth doing. Using a strengths-based approach, Elizabeth brings a sense of fun into work and business ownership. Leveraging her Positivity strength. Fun is a core belief that Elizabeth holds, and she believes that when businesses and individuals are leveraging their strengths fun can effortlessly be a natural part of the growth process. When we feel like things are more effortless and fun, the hard work becomes more palatable and then issues like conflict, turnover, and dis-engagement begin to decrease in the small business, corporate, and non-profit spaces.

Jessica Sato

Jessica Sato Consulting

Session Title: Keynote Session

Session Description: As soulful entrepreneurs, we believe that there is great power in storytelling. In this keynote, Jessica, explores the RELEASE theme in a vulnerable, impactful, and inspiring way. There are layers to what comes along with letting things go that are no longer working or that are no longer serving you. Be prepare to walk away from this session with motivation to ask yourself some important questions to uncover what isn’t serving you, what is holding you back from releasing it, and what might be possible on the other side once you do finally RELEASE. Jessica is returning to our summit stage for a 3rd time and we are so excited to welcome her back.

Bio: Jess Sato, founder and CEO of Jessica Sato Consulting, is passionate about helping women globally use their unique skills, expertise, and voice to create opportunities for themselves and others. As an International TEDx Speaker Coach and Business Strategist, Jessica has helped countless thought leaders, founders, and entrepreneurs with a social purpose build impactful businesses, step on the stage with confidence, and create a ripple effect of positive change in the world.

Christine Walsh

Christine Walsh Inc

Session Title: Opening Keynote Session

Session Description: It’s time to RELEASE in order to RECLAIM! Christine will be leading an interactive, engaging, and thought-provoking keynote session to set the stage for the summit.

Expect to be inspired as she shares insights and tools related to releasing money stories that don’t serve us in order to reclaim your power over prosperity. You will walk away with a new perspective of what is possible in a future where money is guided by principles of flow, flexibility, inclusivity, and generative-ness.

Bio: Christine Walsh is a wealth generation money coach revolutionizing the way women access radiant wealth in their businesses and their lives. She coaches top-tier women entrepreneurs to magnify their money through deep reflection and mindset work, daily practices, and sound financial strategy developed over her 25+ years of successful finance leadership. Her Amazon #1 best selling book , Be The Queen of Your Money, teaches women how to create an abundant future by transforming the financial narrative holding them back from a life of abundance on their terms.

Meet Your Panelists

Vince Abramo

Bambooshoot Company

Bio: Vince finds joy in witnessing the change of individuals and groups when they are engaged in healthy dialogue. She has a master's degree in Public Administration, and a bachelor's in intercommunication and public relations with certifications in conflict resolution from the University of Hawaii.

She is a certified coach and trainer through the John Maxwell Team, Brain Health Coaching through Amen University, Neuro-encoding, Certified Development and Leadership Coach, Thriving Women In Business and a certified ICF ACC coach. She is a certification addict and tries 1 scary thing a year.

What Being A Soulful Entrepreneur Means To Me: It's being true to yourself and your purpose in this world. God has given us many gifts and we continue to discover them and utilize them for good. Their is an inkling (Holy Spirit) that guides you by creating sparkles of awe. It's that moment when you say to yourself "Oh, that's what I was meant to do." It also means staying still and listening with all of our senses because our mana (spirit) is speaking to us. When we connect our purpose to another soul's purpose, we generate synergy.

Amanda Dolin

Amanda Dolin Coaching

Bio: Amanda has always been passionate about helping people live fulfilled and joyful lives. Through her own mental health struggles and triumphs, she discovered a profound passion for supporting others on their mental health journey.

She aims to help her clients recognize their strengths, create and learn new coping skills, and prioritize their mental health and overall well-being.

What Being A Soulful Entrepreneur Means To Me: Being a Soulful Entrepreneur is all about creating a business that is aligned with your values and knowing that when you add the things that fill your soul into your business model, both you and your business will thrive.

Deborah Hardee

Deborah Hardee Coaching

Bio: Deborah Hardee is the creator of LoveLife Mystery School, a transformational journey that empowers women to awaken to their feminine magnificence, easily attract quality men and build and maintain lasting relationships.

In her twenty one years as a love coach, Deborah has helped hundreds of women heal and reconnect to their beauty and self-worth while igniting the love life of their dreams.

What Being A Soulful Entrepreneur Means To Me: Being a Soulful Entrepreneur to me means that I involve my guiding ones to be a part of my entire business and to make me see the high road, the soulful road. It's a free will planet here on Mother Earth and the divine can not interfere unless we ask them to lend us assistance. So I ask my guides to lead me to my soul's calling and to guide me to my highest potential.

Dain Johnson

Rev 0 Consulting

Bio: Dain Johnson is an engineer-turned-pyschologist. After a ten year career as an engineer and project manager, he completed a master's degree in Organizational Psychology. Through his business, Rev 0, which he founded in 2016, he coaches engineers-turned-manager and leaders of technical organizations.

Because of his experience as an engineer, a manager, an executive, and a leader, Dain has a unique ability to relate to technical professionals. Through coaching, he challenges participants in a way that educates, encourages, and grows them and their business. He is on a mission to help good people become great leaders.

What Being A Soulful Entrepreneur Means To Me: It means not trying to compartmentalize work from life. It means being deliberate in the work I pursue and the clients I serve, so that I can add value in the right places. It means serving where I'm best suited to serve, and not pursing work for the short-term benefit.

Marilyn Lamer


Bio: Marilyn Lamer is from Honolulu, Hawaii. She graduated from Punahou School and later graduated from Chaminade University with a degree in Business Management and was part of the Hogan Entrepreneur program there. She has two boys and lives on a 6-acre farm. She loves to learn about frequency and vibration to help people heal faster. Frequency meeting nutrition is her new passion and it's been life changing for her.

She has been a part of BNI Hawaii for almost 4 years serving as their previous visitor host, VP, president, and currently the events coordinator. She is also a chapter success coach overseeing two Oahu BNI chapters. She is the president of the Liliuokalani Toastmasters club and volunteers for different organizations during her free time. Giver's gain is one of her core values and she loves personal development!

What Being A Soulful Entrepreneur Means To Me: Being able to look within and see what's going on with me that I can be more at peace and aligned with my true being. And helping others to do the same. We are spiritual beings and so capable! We either operate out of inspiration or history. I love helping people to live their life with inspiration!

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